What to expect and what to do on the first day of a new job!

24 July 2019 Virginia Brookes

Images   Smart
Starting a new job is an exciting and nerve wracking experience all wrapped into one. Going into a new team and having to learn everyone’s name and how the photocopier works along with what time you’re supposed to take lunch is all a bit confronting. Approaching your first day with a positive attitude and an open mind will ensure you get the best out of your first few days. The tips below are good to keep in mind when heading into the first day of a new role.
  • Turn up early - nothing gives a bad first impression like turning up late on your first day
  • Have your tax, bank and superannuation details ready for the accounts team
  • Ask questions and make notes -  if someone is taking the time to show you the ropes show them you appreciate it by taking notes that can be referred back to
  • Avoid making personal calls or texting until you are on your break
  • Don’t sledge your past employer or colleagues - you just don’t know who in your new team knows someone from your old team
  • Smile, be friendly and enjoy yourself, after all you are going to be a part of this team for some time to come so make the most of it